Congratulations Veronica and Joe

Formal Photographs Shot in the Courtyard

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Double click on the picture to see an enlargement

Someday I'll label all of these people

The bride and groom

Grandparents: (left to right) Clara Polizzi, Joe, Veronica, Frances Hollingsworth, Francis Schmitt

Mothers: Pietrina Schmitt (left) and Norma Rico

Parents:(left)Dick and Pietrina Schmitt, (right)Norma Rico and Mark Hollingsworth

Schmitts before the silliness started

The clowning begins

High heels

The Schmitt mob from Detroit and points elsewhere

Three Schmitt Girls

Paul and Carolyn

John and Francimar

Liz waits patiently -- Phil awaits patients

Jack and Maria

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Pre Wedding Events



Formal Pictures
