Valdemar Knudsen wrote of the
fireworks displays exhibited over Nu‘alolo: An oahi required months of preparation. Two kinds of wood were used, the hau and the papala. The hau was easy to get and was cut into ten or twenty foot lengths, the bark peeled off, and then dried until it was as light as a feather. The papala grew in the high mountains and was hard to get, so it became the king's special fireworks. It had a hollow core when dry, and the flame ran through it as it fell, giving the effect of a shooting star. These dried sticks were carried up the high cliffs to a ledge a
thousand feet The cliffs being concave, the trade winds are forced upwards forming
a sort Knudsen, Valdemar [Note: Valdemer Knudsen seems to have lived in the 19th century; double click on his name for more information] |
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