Brown Street Quiz -- Room with a View

1956 -- 2006

Answer to the previous picture: You're looking out the first floor garage window east at the Restow's house. 

This is the only view that changed during the 50 years we lived here.  When the Schmitts moved here in 1956, to the east lay vacant land, filled with trees, a brook, and even garter snakes.  The previous owners of 31211 also owned all of this land up to Dillon Street.  Unfortunately, Francis and Eileen couldn't afford to buy it all and so it was sold to developers. 

Denski's built the first house on what was the rock garden.  Above, we're looking across their land (which has long since changed hands, probably several times) toward the Restow house built by that family around 1967 and recently sold for the first time.

Here's your last picture (Don't scroll down too far as the answer is at the bottom of this page).

Answer:  You're in the upstairs of the garage looking north, of course, through a pretty dirty screen. 

How did you do?  A perfect score was 16.

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Created on 1 December 2006

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